// $Id: ctype.js,v 1.4 2002/02/20 18:42:46 nwiggins Exp $ // $Log: ctype.js,v $ // Revision 1.4 2002/02/20 18:42:46 nwiggins // // # removes script tags - forces usage as a javascript src include. no php includes // // Revision 1.3 2001/07/18 23:07:57 jneil // Fixed some problems. // // Revision 1.1 2001/05/21 15:53:53 jneil // Initial Upload. // // /********************************************************************** Depends on: isEmpty(), isWhitespace() functions string.js library NOTE: -- always alltrim field value before calling any of these functions -- if field is empty, the function call will return true **********************************************************************/ // isDigit: check if val has digits (0-9) function isDigit(val) { var strBuffer = new String(val); var nPos = 0; if (isEmpty(strBuffer)) return false; for (nPos = 0; nPos < strBuffer.length; nPos++) if (strBuffer.charAt(nPos) < '0' || strBuffer.charAt(nPos) > '9') return false; return true; } // isAlpha: check if val has alphabets only (a-z, A-Z) function isAlpha(val) { var strBuffer = new String(val); var nPos = 0; if (isEmpty(strBuffer)) return false; for (nPos = 0; nPos < strBuffer.length; nPos++) if (!((strBuffer.charAt(nPos) >= 'a' && strBuffer.charAt(nPos) <= 'z') || (strBuffer.charAt(nPos) >= 'A' && strBuffer.charAt(nPos) <= 'Z'))) return false; return true; } // isInteger: check if nVal is integer type function isInteger(nVal) { var strBuffer = new String(nVal); var nPos = 0, nStart = 0; if (isEmpty(strBuffer)) return true; if (isWhitespace(strBuffer)) return false; // check if -ve or +ve sign occurs in the beginning if ((strBuffer.charAt(0) == '-') || (strBuffer.charAt(0) == '+')) nStart = 1; else nStart = 0; for (nPos = nStart; nPos < strBuffer.length; nPos++) if (strBuffer.charAt(nPos) < '0' || strBuffer.charAt(nPos) > '9') return false; return true; } // isFloat: check if fVal is floating-point type // LIMITATION: no scientific notation (for eg: xxxx.xxE+xx) function isFloat(fVal) { var strBuffer = new String(fVal); var nPos = 0, nStart = 0; if (isEmpty(strBuffer)) return true; if (isWhitespace(strBuffer)) return false; // check if -ve or +ve sign occurs in the beginning if ((strBuffer.charAt(0) == '-') || (strBuffer.charAt(0) == '+')) nStart = 1; else nStart = 0; for (nPos = nStart; nPos < strBuffer.length; nPos++) if ((strBuffer.charAt(nPos) < '0' || strBuffer.charAt(nPos) > '9') && (strBuffer.charAt(nPos) != '.')) return false; return true; } /************************************************************ isDate : Check if dVal is valid date : valid date format - MM (or) M / DD (or) D / Y (or) YY (or) YYYY : YY > 50 should be 19YY : YY <= 50 should be 20YY *************************************************************/ function isDate(dVal) { var strBuffer= new String(dVal); var cDelimiter=''; var strMonth=0, strDay=0, strYear=0; var nPos=-1; if (isEmpty(strBuffer)) return true; if (isWhitespace(strBuffer)) return false; // Get the delimiter used if (occurs('/', strBuffer) == 2) cDelimiter = '/'; else if (occurs('-', strBuffer) == 2) cDelimiter = '-'; // If no '/' or '-' found return false if (cDelimiter == '') return false; // validate month, date, and year (Y, YY, YYYY are valid year formats) nPos = strBuffer.indexOf(cDelimiter); strMonth = strBuffer.substring(0, nPos); if (strMonth.length > 2 || !isDigit(strMonth)) return false; strBuffer = strBuffer.substring(nPos+1); nPos = strBuffer.indexOf(cDelimiter); strDay = strBuffer.substring(0, nPos); if (strDay.length > 2 || !isDigit(strDay)) return false; strBuffer = strBuffer.substring(nPos+1); strYear = strBuffer; if ((strYear.length > 4) || (strYear.length == 3) || !isDigit(strYear)) return false; // if YY < 50 then YYYY=20YY, else if YY >= 50 then YYYY=19YY var iYear = parseInt(strYear); if (iYear < 50) strYear = "20" + (strYear < 10 ? '0' + strYear:strYear); else if (iYear >= 50 && iYear < 100) strYear = "19" + strYear; strBuffer = strMonth + cDelimiter + strDay + cDelimiter + strYear; // validate date var dBuffer = new Date(strBuffer); if (dBuffer.getDate() != parseInt(strDay) || dBuffer.getMonth()+1 != parseInt(strMonth) || dBuffer.getFullYear() != parseInt(strYear)) return false; return true; } // isZipcode: check if valid US zip code (##### or #####-####) function isZipcode(strZip) { var strLeft="", strRight="", strVal = new String(strZip); if (isEmpty(strVal)) return true; if (isWhitespace(strVal)) return false; if (strVal.length != 5 && strVal.length != 10) return false; if ((strVal.length == 5) && isDigit(strVal)) return true; if ((strVal.length == 10) && isDigit(strVal.substring(0, 5)) && isDigit(strVal.substring(6))) return true; return false; } // isDatePart: check if nVal is valid day: 1-31, month:1-12, year:YYYY function isDatePart(nVal, strType) { var strBuffer = new String(nVal); if (isEmpty(strBuffer) || isWhitespace(strBuffer)) return false; nVal = parseInt(strBuffer); if (!isDigit(nVal)) return false; if ((strType == "Year") && (nVal < 0 || (nVal > 99 && nVal < 1000) || nVal > 9999)) return false; else if ((strType == "Month") && (nVal < 1 || nVal > 12)) return false; else if ((strType == "Day") && (nVal < 1 || nVal > 31)) return false; return true; }